Angelo Stavrow [dot] Blog

Missives and musings on a variety of topics.

Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.


Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.


💉 Applying bugfix_pfizer_1.patch…

Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.


Three iPhones sitting on a bed of smooth riverstones, showing various screens of the Thought Detox iPhone app.

Thought Detox is on sale during Mental Health Awareness Month.


Yesterday, on my blog, I wrote about holding office hours for anyone wanting to contribute to the WriteFreely Swift projects I maintain. Check it out!

Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.

  • I'm worried about post-factual democracy. This article suggests how we might re-establish trust (hint: as always, it involves transparency).
  • While I've been focusing most of my time lately on iOS/Swift development and writing, I also specialize in being a generalist.
  • Procrastination is not laziness, it's a coping mechanism for dealing with negative emotions. There's even more on the topic in this excellent Life Kit interview.
  • I can't stop thinking about this tweet by my pal and former colleague Margarita Noriega:

“Metrics are not goals. And goals are not values. Ask yourself today: does your work reflect your values, or a goal, or a metric?”



Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.

  • Ian's Awesome Counter is an app for Apple Watch to help you stay on task. I love the story on how how father and son teamed up to develop this.
  • I came across the idea of topic journals and I love it: individual journals meant purely for your thoughts on a given topic.
  • I'm trying to go deeper on my reading, and this article on how to learn and retain technical knowledge has a lot of great tips.
  • Turns Out: QuĂ©bec “likes to think of itself as a generous society capable of great social solidarity”, but as this sociologist points out, the pandemic has proven much of how we think of ourselves to be false.
  • Watch This: Iron Maiden's “Fear of the Dark”, arranged for symphony orchestra, and performed remotely by 160 musicians around the world.



The topic of “do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life” has been popping up on my Twitter timeline again lately.


Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.


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