Elsewhere: Week of April 12, 2021
Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.
- Ian's Awesome Counter is an app for Apple Watch to help you stay on task. I love the story on how how father and son teamed up to develop this.
- I came across the idea of topic journals and I love it: individual journals meant purely for your thoughts on a given topic.
- I'm trying to go deeper on my reading, and this article on how to learn and retain technical knowledge has a lot of great tips.
- Turns Out: Québec “likes to think of itself as a generous society capable of great social solidarity”, but as this sociologist points out, the pandemic has proven much of how we think of ourselves to be false.
- Watch This: Iron Maiden's “Fear of the Dark”, arranged for symphony orchestra, and performed remotely by 160 musicians around the world.