Angelo Stavrow [dot] Blog

Missives and musings on a variety of topics.

💉💉 Applying bugfix_pfizer_2.patch…

I have the laziest coworkers.

Merlin, a three-month old black-and-white kitten, sleeping soundly on an office chair.

I just filed “suggestion” feedback FB9240072 with Apple on the MFMailComposeViewController in UIKit.


After testing the waters last week, I kicked off a running program this morning! My goal is to get to the point of jogging 5km continuously within eight weeks, and I'll share updates every so often here.


Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.


Five days left in the month —and in the first half of 2021, in fact— and five pages left in the notebook I use as my daily journal.

A silly observation, I know, but I still kinda like how that worked out.

Just a heads-up: tomorrow's WriteFreely office hours are being moved to the same time on Wednesday, June 22nd.

Details here.

Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.


“Follow the fucking money. When a VC tells you what's good for you, check your wallet, then count your fingers.”

Evergreen advice.

Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.


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