Angelo Stavrow [dot] Blog


I kicked off a new weekly “development diary” series on today.

This post is an entry in a weekly development diary on building a feed-aggregator-based blog on Glitch. Only a small part of building an app is code; the bulk of your time is spent planning, experimenting, making mistakes, getting frustrated, and making progress in baby steps.

You can read the first post here. The goal is to build a web app that takes as input an OPML file of your RSS feeds across various platforms, and automagically generates a blog with its own “firehose” RSS feed with that content.

I really found it helpful when I journaled daily while rewriting my iOS app. I hope you find it interesting too.

#glitch #devto #elsewhere


I was invited to chat with [Anil Dash] about tech and self-care on the Function podcast's season 2 kickoff. Function examines the intersection of tech and culture, and I'm grateful to have been invited to share my thoughts.


A couple of months ago, [Glitch] CEO [Anil Dash] got to interview Mindy Kaling at Twilio's [SIGNAL conference]. We built an [app] that let people text in their questions for Mindy, and it added a lot of fun interactivity to their chat!