Angelo Stavrow [dot] Blog

Missives and musings on a variety of topics.

I keep meaning to explore the Zettelkasten method of note-taking, and while I get the concept, I struggle to put it in practice. Do you just capture all incoming knowledge? Do you constrain it to a specific topic? If it's the latter, how do you decide which topic?

Our windows are open for the first time since October. Beautiful (almost-) spring day in Montreal today.


Hearing that an app I made is helping someone through a challenging time is, without question, better than any 5-star review or press coverage. I'm literally teary-eyed.


The next release of Thought Detox was submitted to the App Store yesterday afternoon! It's currently waiting for review and, fingers crossed, will be released for sale tomorrow.


Continuing on my quest to move my old blog to, I’ve pinned a page describing a social media “policy” of sorts.


I started publishing a little weekly thing called “Elsewhere”, a collection of interesting things I came across in the week.


Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.

  • This Twitter thread shared an important reflection on the universality of pain, as well as the universality of how we run from pain, individually and collectively. (H/T Cassey)
  • Some musings by Simon Willison on running office hours on open-source projects as a way to combat the feeling of “publishing software into the void”, getting feedback from those using your project, and potentially generating some revenue for the project as well.
  • Turns out, the “mayday” distress call comes from the French phrase «m'aider» (“help me”). (H/T Katelyn Thomas)
  • Alexithymia is the condition of not being able to express emotional feelings as words or images. Not being able to do so leads to harmful physiological effects; it is “the development of this capacity – the psychic elaboration of emotion – that leads, quite literally, to continued mental growth.”



Weekly retro and monthly retro happening on the same day. That’s my kind of Sunday.

Because I’m a nerd.


Running a (very) small app business is one of the things that I do. This year, I've decided on operating it openly… but what exactly does that mean?


There’s a new beta out for Thought Detox. No major changes—mostly under-the-hood improvements.


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