Elsewhere: Week of May 17, 2021
Elsewhere is a series of interesting things I came across during the week, published every Sunday.
- “On the last day of class, I ask my students to turn those theoretical lenses on themselves, to find cogent answers to three questions: First, how can I be sure that I’ll be happy in my career? Second, how can I be sure that my relationships with my spouse and my family become an enduring source of happiness? Third, how can I be sure I’ll stay out of jail?” [HBR]
- “[...] the memes, and their furor over people who disagree with them, are not really about mental health, they’re about enforcing identity categories that help define us in this era of capitalism when everything feels completely out of control, especially as our lives are increasingly dominated by this vast categorization and surveillance machine we call the internet.” [PE Moskowitz]
And a video: The Brutalism of Montreal