Angelo Stavrow [dot] Blog

Missives and musings on a variety of topics.

Over on my WriteFreely-specific blog, I wrote about building the Share-from-Safari action extension in (mostly) SwiftUI — now available in version 1.0.8!

I sold my old Marshall and am now shopping for a smaller practice amp. Looking at either a Fender Hot Rod Series Pro Junior IV (mmm, tubes) or a Yamaha THR30II — any others that I should try out?

For half the price (-ish), the Orange Crush 35RT looks really nice too 🤔


Current status: Sipping coffee, watching the kitten who’s perched on the windowsill, trying to catch the big fluffy snowflakes falling outside.


From an older study (June, 2020) that recently came across my desk:

For example, in our study, all of the women who took the public interview failed, while all of the women who took the private interview passed. Our study was limited, and a larger sample size would be needed to draw firm conclusions, but the idea that the very design of the interview process may effectively exclude an entire class of job candidates is troubling.

(Emphasis mine.)

Pretty sure that if you've ever stopped to listen to these “classes of job candidates,” you'd already know this.

Source: Tech Sector Job Interviews Assess Anxiety, Not Software Skills, NC State University/Microsoft

#hiring #tech

It's #NationalCatDay, so please enjoy this photo of our kitten Merlin. He's nearly 8 months old, just shy of 9½ lbs, and super affectionate.

Derpy Boi

I've been thinking a lot about the impermanence of digital artifacts lately.


There's a point where you realize that you can't see if you've adequately cleaned your reading glasses without putting on your reading glasses.

Every morning, Merlin plunks himself on my desk, between me and my computer monitor, to hunt the elusive mouse cursor.

“The silhouette of a cat’s head in front of a computer monitor.”

Sometimes, the single most important thing to do in the morning is: sit on the couch, with the kitten curled up on my lap, purring, as I sip my coffee.

Renaming “Do Not Disturb” to “Focus” in iOS 15, and expanding how the feature works, is very cool.

Allowing developers to register notifications as “Time Sensitive” to break through Focus, without giving users the ability to report apps that abuse this feature, is… less cool.

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